Seattlites And Complaining About The Weather

The Puget Sound region is set up for a lovely weekend. Temperatures are predicted to climb into the upper 70s and (*gasp*) low 80s. I figured out a long time ago that my Seattle area peeps have a narrow band of comfort: basically the 60s, plus/minus 5. Temps in the 40s get complaints of cold and the 80s are hot.

Most other places I’ve lived have a broader comfort range, but they also have a broader average temperature band. (Now, tropical islands tend to be more narrow. And they manifest the same behavior.) This small average range is a feature of temperate zones. Though folks from outside this region might just look at us as whiners, it’s really just a function of the environment. Sure, you might feel you’re tougher since you can put up with hotter highs and colder lows. But we don’t have too; our weather isn’t evil.

Yeah, I, too will be wearing shorts and sunscreen while languishing in the upper 70s. Happily so.


This foggy day

This morning’s fog set the day’s mood: unfocused, hazy and unclear. From the magnificent effort to get out the door only slightly late, to my scatterbrained workday, to my poorly executed, overly messy dinner; the day was a solid loss. Yet I don’t lament a thing. Spent time with good friends, had some laughs, and no one was hurt for all the flailing about.

I’m sure losing this weekend to the germs didn’t help. Sunday worse than Saturday, but much better by early evening.  Still, this morning I was pretty sluggish. And I never really perked up throughout the day. The early afternoon found me struggling to stay awake. I’m guessing the residuals of the daylight savings time brutality added to the days roughness.

Now I sit, mental fog creeping over me, intro my bones. Slowly, sleep’s demands drag me into the different depths of myself. And so ends this day.

Ah, the clouds are back!

Well, the clouds have rolled back in to the greater Puget Sound region. With them come less bitter temperatures. I appreciate that. The past week or so, with temperatures down in the 20s, has been deeply uncomfortable. Yes, I am aware that a good deal of the country would love to WARM UP to our lows. And I am content.

During the summer, there are times that I am uncomfortably warm while the rest of the country broils significantly hotter. Yes, I’m fine with my discomfort in the 80s while the rest of the country broils in the hundreds.

Seattlites have been labeled weather-wimps by most of my friends who live in other regions. Whether the discomforts above, or our disdain (terror?) of snow, we have a reputation. Personally, I’m fine with that. It’s delightful to live in a pleasant climate, rather than where simply surviving brutality is the goal.

I welcome the return of the clouds, and gentler weather. It’s not for everyone, but for me it’s home.

November Morning

This morning, gazing outside, I watch the fog drift through the treetops. This multitude of gray, muted varieties of darkness and light, both delights and calms me. Today’s chill holds a sharper bite: I re-befriend my sweaters. The gentlest of breezes activates the chimes upon my porch. So gentle, their movement imperceptible.

Northwest winter rains
Calming my mind deep within
Strange comforts I find

Such things reach deep into my psyche. Memories of early mornings, awake before everyone else, quietly reading. Such things being forth love and contentment. The glories of this northwestern life.

Morning Weather

Though it’s a bit unusual for this time of year, I’m enjoying the grey skies this early AM, followed by the sun-shiny afternoons. Perhaps odd to some, grey skies are something I enjoy. They’re calming, tranquil. Yet, I understand why some find them depressing. I love that and mists moving through the trees.

It’s the little things, I guess.


Easter weekend rarely comes with such copious amounts of sun. Spent a fair amount of time outdoors, as folks from west of the cascades are want to do.


Easter itself had us driving to Bellingham. Didn’t get to hit Tony’s Coffee or Village Books. Still a good trip, though traffic bogged down though Everett to Marysville. Well, pretty much up into Arlington. Holiday weekends feature that, though.

Hope everyone had a safe journey through the gorgeous weekend.


