Reflecting on our burst of summer-like weather 

Well, it was pretty hot today. A real scorcher by Seattle standards. The temperature above was in Marysville, taken right after I got in.

I’m not the biggest fan of heat, but it doesn’t bother me like some folks. I remember getting off the plane. In Orlando. In August. The wave of heat and humidity was invigorating. Weird, I know. But it brought up memories of the Philippines. A wonderful period in my life. That was many decades hence. Yet it’s still in my heart. 

Where I hate heat: when I’m trying to sleep. I love feeling cool. No logic. Just is. Thank goodness for fans. 

Now the layer of grimy duat covering my cars each morning irritates my sinuses. That’s been adding an element of misery. Fortunately, my allergy meds work mitigates my misery. V_

Clearly, spring has sprung. 

And, in classic Seattle, Charlie Brown-esque luck, after one last nice, albeit cooler, day, we launch into another dripfest weekend. Oh, we hapless Seattleites and our penchant for indoor weekend fun…or rain gear. We’ll need to utilize one, or both, this coming one. 

May it be wonderful for each of you. Rain or dry. 

Rain, Rain, Go Away? Yeah, Right

Weather 1-29-18

I was thinking it would be great to fit in a walk today, but I spent lunch with a good friend and now the weather has turned to murk. Fortunately, I was planning on spending the evening doing taekwondo, so I’ll get some exercise to burn off the Bob’s Chuckwagon burger dip.

As could hear the rain rattling our skylights, I opted to check the weather. The graphic above reminded me of my childhood, where I thought that a “50% chance of rain” meant it would going to rain 50% of the day. Ah, growing up in Seattle!

Fortunately, it hasn’t rained 100% of today. At moments it sure feels like it, though.

I guess it’s time to plan for a full week of rain, though. I’ll be spending time at the gym, I guess, besides in the dojang. Wet, wet, wet…


A rainy day quote for this Saturday 

This quote’s been on a card adhered to my refrigerator for quite some time. The photo is one I took today, capturing today’s perpetual rain. With a little post-production embellishment. 

Life is not about how you survive the storm; it’s about how you dance in the rain.

It would be easy to let the dreariness deep into your marrow, poisoning your soul. I find my solace outside, in the wind, rain and cold. With filtered sunlight upon my skin, I persist in motion. That drives the depressive beast to silence. At least temporarily. 

Blessed Rains

I find this sleepy/not-sleepy feeling annoying. Awakened by bursts from this brain of mine. So, laying here listening to the gentlest of rainfall, I feel somewhat peaceful. And fatigued. And then there’s still the buzz of my active brain, rattling out randomness. When I hear the rain, though, slowly dripping from the firs onto my roof, forming tiny rivulets down to the earth, tranquility gets pulled from my core. This speaks to spaces deep within me. Reaching the better parts of my childhood, my youth here, listening to water flow across cedar shakes. Connecting to deep childhood moments of quiet security, of the moments of parental love and safety, deep, internal warmth, this overactive mind calms. And I feel, yet again, richly blessed.