Watch “I Just Want To Ride – Lael Wilcox and the 2019 Tour Divide” on YouTube

I adore cycling. Its been key part of my life since my mid-tweens. I’ve ridden in many states (Washington, Oregon, Idaho and Florida amongst others). For most of my twenties I refused to own a car. At one point my bike was the most important thing in my life. Now, things have changed. But I still love life with two wheels.

As a younger chap, a two week ride from Canada to Mexico would’ve seemed awesome. So, discovering Tour Divide captivated me. Discovering Lael Wilcox, the star of the video below, also delights me. I’m looking forward to exploring more of her riding life.

So, this is a great story and ride. I recommend the video below. And I’ll have more to say I’ve watched her other stuff. But go ahead and started. Don’t wait for me! Oh, and let me know what you think, any other riders out there you think I should check out, any suggestions would be very welcome.