A YouTube Video Featuring Me

So, my Real Estate team made a video a little while ago and I got some good coverage. I really like the video, crafted by a top quality company. Those are always fun! I love this sort of stuff.

In this video, my team discusses our philosophy around listing, marketing and selling homes, for both sides of the transaction. I think we’re a pretty awesome group!

So, if  you’re thinking about buying, selling or investing in real estate, give us a call. Our team phone number is 360-474-5128, or send us an email. I’m proud of this group and know we’ll treat you the best.


Video, Vlogging And Me

Ok, as you faithful readers should know, I attended Video Savvy last week. The goal was to load my brain up with deeper knowledge of the video trends, both in real estate and beyond. I’m rather weird in that I don’t have any terrible fear of facing cameras and also know I’m a decent public speaker. This is actually rather fun for me.

So, I’ve started the quest to get more good (insert winky face here) at video. And the best way seems, simply enough, to dive in and learn hands-on. I’ve been dabbling in video for a while, so I pulled all my video fun into a vlog playlist on YouTube. Please subscribe and stay up-to-date on my explorations.


Edmonds “I Love Dicks” Video

This was shot and posted just about a year ago. Sadly, I completely missed this car show. It’s mindblowing to see the parking lot this full, especially since Winco hadn’t opened yet. Check out the number of cars backed up onto 99 waiting to just pull into the lot. This is a bit long at >10 minutes, but it’s pretty nice.

Insights into the Three German students surprise a homeless guy video

About a year and a half ago, this video hit YouTube. It’s very inspiring and has a lovely sentiment. To date, it has well over 21 million views.

Apparently the guys at Be Japy caught some flak since the video featured an actor as the homeless guy. It’s important to note that their choice came from the best of intentions. They did perform acts like this one, and were very inspired and wanted to share the idea. And they wanted to do so in such a way that respected those being filmed. Watch their statement below (it’s in German with English subtitles).

For me, this speaks highly to the Be Japy folks. They meant no duplicity, simply seeking the best way to tell their story while maintaining the dignity of the people they’re serving. For that, they have my respect and admiration.