Blogging, Strategy and the Need For Focus

​I love to write. I love blogging. Yet there are challenges. Distributing my focus lowers my effectiveness. That troubles me. And yet, though each site has meaning to me. But each site has costs, economic and otherwise. Every time I focus on one, I can’t focus on another.

I haven’t had an objective, much less a strategy on any of my sites. I love to write poetry, about Seattle, about sustainability, geek culture, about so very much. Each site has value to me. I hate the idea of neglecting one at the expense of another. Yet I also hate writing substandard stuff. I prefer to be proud of what I put on the internet.

This time in history has so many choices; a blizzard of potentials and possibilities. And I hate letting go of those potentials. Any of them. Yet I know that must be done to achieve ANY of them. How does one choose which baby to let die?

Perhaps overly dramatic, but it captured the sentiment I’ve been struggling with.


Some Strategic Thinking About My Blogging

I’m in yet another transition period. Compared to so many of my friends, I seem to spend more time reflecting on transitions than most. I like to think it’s my thoughtful nature, but it quite likely simply stems from my plethora of insecurities.

Today I fit in time for an evening walk. The heat made it a bit less delightful, but otherwise it was fantastic. Walks are times for me to get exercise. My mind gets clear, my head empties of the running rambling commentary echoing about my mental recesses.

While walking (and listening to Debbie Millman’sDesign Matters” podcast), I got to thinking about my different blogging platforms. For some time, I’ve felt I’ve overdone my blogging presence. So I’ve drawn back quite a bit. I’m now down to three sites: this one, Carl and QuestionsAll, my poetry blog. And now I struggle. Each site has cost, with hosting, domains and, of course, upkeep time. Each one has its own success. Poetry gets the most consistent readership, more WordPress followers, and far more “likes”, my main source of engagement. Not Just Seattle gets higher page views, at least for the more popular posts, and has the most subscribers. Then there’s my main site: It’s not the most well read of my sites, very few subscribers, but it’s my name. I guess that’s the most “me” there is. It’s the highest ranked page for my name on both Google and Bing (note: on Google, this site comes up on page 2, since this other Carl Setzer, who opened a brewing business in Beijing, getting featured in such publications as Forbes and Fortune, has stolen so very much of my SEO).

Each site gives me something, fills me with elements of joy. My personal challenge, though, is to streamline my sites. The goal: one site. I’m starting to think that’s a foolish dream. Yet I would like to lower my spend some. Of course, I could focus ways on making the sites cover their expenses. Hmmm….

I’d love to hear your thoughts and ideas. Do you prefer one of my sites over the others?

I do appreciate my readers oh so very much! You all mean the world to me.

Wishing each of you joy and peace.