Hey South Seattle Geek Fans, Check Out “Pop Culture Pop-Up: Winter in Wonderland”

These folks reached out to me letting me know of this fun event down in Puyallup. On the perfect day, “Small Business Saturday”, check out all kinds of great geek-centric crafts for your holiday shopping.

My calendar’s event has more details, as does their Facebook page. And register at Eventbrite.

To see more geektastic fun, check out my ever evolving list of regional events.

Oh Yum! Check out the Northwest Chocolate Festival!

Apparently this is the Top Chocolate festival in North America (is there a more impressive one in Europe? Or South America? But I digress…). More importantly (to me at least) it’s the largest gathering of chocolatiers in the world. As someone who adores chocolate, I find this compelling and more than a little bit interesting.

  • Live chef demos
  • 160 exhibitors from across the globe
  • a 21+ lounge

The event will be November 9 & 10 on Pier 91 in Seattle. Tickets for the full weekend are currently $50, with single day options at $25. There’s also a VIP pass that looks like a blast at $95. These prices are for right now, and will go up closer to the event.

Check out their website for full details and to reserve your tickets.

Update: corrected the dates to November 9 & 10

Hey #Seattle Geeks: ACE Comic Con Returns To Seattle Next Weekend

Next weekend we get another addition to the great collection of cons that Seattle has to offer: ACE ComicCon. Looks like a great line up, especially for Marvel and Infinity War fans.

Check out their teaser below.

Anyway, it stars a week from tomorrow, June 28th, and runs all weekend. Looks like there are still tickets available. I can’t make it, I’m afraid. Are you going to go? Let me know.

Seattle Snow, Traffic Conditions and Proactivity

It’s been a rough couple of days around the greater Seattle area. Yesterday, I opted to work from home. Yes, I’m a classic Seattle weather-wimp.

When I look to make that decision, I opt for a few tools.

  • Local news:
    • Though I get a lot of my news via KNKX (NPR), I opt for video for these sorts of things. KING 5 is my personal favorite.
  • WSDOT’s traffic map is the first place you should go to see conditions.
  • I live in Lynnwood, so their network of traffic cameras is very helpful to see what’s happening nearby.

I try to keep the process simple, so I pretty much limit myself to the above, and not running down the rabbit hole that this can be. However, I expect I might be missing something. Let me know if you have a resource that I should recommend.

An Awesome Sunny Saturday At Greenlake

Well, we slept in, which was lovely all by itself. But then, on a whim, I convinced my family to head to Greenlake. A gorgeous day, I wanted to shoot some photos out in the sun. Well, it was a bit cooler than everyone expected. Otherwise, it was quite nice.

Our first stop was for lunch. My son was craving a burger. We’d been up Teddy’s Biggest Burger before. His elementary school did a fundraiser the several years ago. I enjoyed the crispy chicken burger, while my son enjoyed the Kilauea Fire burger. Not as spicy as you might expect from the name. A nice kick (he let me have a bite before he inhaled the rest). Anyway, I enjoyed it. (Side note: I’m thinking it’d be fun to do a regional burger tour. What do you think?)

Next, we walked the lake. I’ve always enjoyed that. Back when I was a boy, I’d blast through on my bike (it was far less crowded back then). As I got older, I enjoyed walking more. Gets a better look at the scenery.

We ended the day back up in Edmonds. The kids st Edmonds Heights finished up their run of Beauty and the Beast. A charming production. I’ve developed a deep fondness for community and student theater. The quality was great, and the commitment fun to see. (I didn’t get any photos, though).

I have some ideas for upcoming blog posts, which I’ll pull together over the next few days. It’s time to update my Geek Events list. I noticed another building that’s struggling (this one’s in Marysville), which I’ll write about very soon. I’m also exploring video ideas. Is that something that interests you? Anything you’d like to see? If you have anything you’d let me to cover, let me know!

If you’d give this post a like, that really helps the page out. And please subscribe! I’d love to stay in touch.

Memories of my Grandfather

Riding the ferry

From shore to shore for hours

Talking to strangers

I’ve been thinking a lot of my grandfather lately. He spent years driving trucks throughout the region. His gift for connecting with people his deep. He had friends all over Edmonds. I emulate him… in my own way.

Another Glimpse Into Old Lynnwood

The clever little bit of satire brought to you by legendary Seattle DJ Bob Rivers, part of his Twisted Tunes series. Another piece of “old Lynnwood”, and, I guess, continuing is this unintentional series (started yesterday).

So, any interest in pursuing this further? It’d be interesting to see what else I could dig up to add to this thread. Do you have any ideas? Requests? Let me know!

Seattle Joke Of The Day

I heard this joke on the radio today. Sadly, i can’t remember the radio station, much less the DJ who aid of. 

“What’s the recipe for bad traffic in Seattle? It’s easy. Just add water.”

I don’t know what our is about Seattle, but rain send to bring out the worst in folks. Whether exacerbating already foolish behaviors like high speed tailgating, or a general inattention, simply adding rain, the most common weather phenomena brings chaos. I

Have you noticed that? What do you think is the cause?