A Few Random Thoughts This Saturday

It was a stunning day, one delightfully free of any hint of snow. After some morning meetings, we went to Alderwood Mall this evening for a few errands. A few observations: First, I like the renovated Apple Store. Doubling the space, as well as the high ceilings make the space feel huge. I got a reminder that I need to get my old Macbook Pro over there for the geniuses to commence voodoo. The poor thing failed to boot for several months. I’m pretty sure it’s simply a failed charger, but am not sure. Could be a failed battery, too.

Also, I noticed the increased presence of uniformed security officers in Nordstroms. I didn’t notice them that much at the mall before, but today they were very present, up front and obvious in Nordy’s. Makes me wonder why. Or if I was just remarkably unaware before.

Tomorrow we’re going to see Captain Marvel. Quite possibly at Alderwood Mall, but maybe we’ll make a bigger trip of it and head to Seattle. I do enjoy Cinerama, but it might also be fun to see it at the Pacific Science Center’s Imax theatre. I’ll post a review tomorrow. With that, I’ve been watching too many gents lamenting that Marvel hates men now, so I’m sure the internet dialog will be charming.

I had a couple of meetings this week that gave me pause about regional development. We have this intersection between the desire to maintain our pristine wild spaces, most powerfully manifested by the Growth Management Act, with the economic forces that bring 1,000s of people into our region every year. As we crash up against those barriers, I see growth getting vertical. Anyway, I will write  a bit more in depth about this soon.

How’s your weekend going? Did you get out and enjoy the gorgeous day here in Seattle? I certainly hope so.


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A few videos of Lynnwood’s Snow

After sitting indoors all day, my wife obliged my wish to get outside. We walked towards James Village in the hope of finding someplace open for dinner. We ended up at the Lynnwood Hop n Drops (formerly Hop Jacks).

With the wind blowing, the snow was casting interesting shadows, which I tried to capture below.

Let me know what you think.

Another Glimpse Into Old Lynnwood

The clever little bit of satire brought to you by legendary Seattle DJ Bob Rivers, part of his Twisted Tunes series. Another piece of “old Lynnwood”, and, I guess, continuing is this unintentional series (started yesterday).

So, any interest in pursuing this further? It’d be interesting to see what else I could dig up to add to this thread. Do you have any ideas? Requests? Let me know!

A Look At The Unique Culture Of Lynnwood

Well, the Lynnwood of the 1980s. The gentrification of the past several years has changed things quite a bit. However, this really captures an element of the town I did most of my growing up in.


This video comes from the legendary Seattle TV show, “Almost Live“. This TV show ran for around 15 years, and introduced the world to Bill Nye.

Enjoy this wee view to a Lynnwood that’s, for the most part, faded to memory.

Ring In The New Year! New Year’s Eve Activities Around The Area

It’s always great to get out and enjoy the New Year with friends and loved ones. So, I’m trying to give you a little guidance.

Last year, I posted about the different NYE events around Edmonds. However, we aren’t really bursting with New Year’s events this year. So far, I’ve only found a few.

Lynnwood’s Rec Room will be hosting their New Year’s Eve celebration with a “Reclaim The Rec Room” theme. In case you missed them hitting the news earlier this month, they had an incident with white supremacists. Hence why they’re “reclaiming” their space. I completely support that.

Just want to go out for dinner? Here’s a solid list of dining choices. Edmonds has something for every style and taste.

If none of these are appealing, Lynnwood Today has a list of other options to explore.

Outside of south county, in Everett, the Children’s Museum will have a Pajama Party.

Want to head into Seattle for a more urbane celebration? Here are some fun options for you (I’ve done the first one several times and recommend it at least once in your life).

If you know of something I’ve missed, please let me know either in the comments below, or via social media (Twitter, Facebook or Instagram)

And on New Year’s Day, come down to Brackett’s Landing and take part in the Polar Bear plunge. Or you could swing by Waterfront Coffee Company, grab a warm beverage, then walk down and enjoy the show.

As for me, I’ll be having dinner and ringing in the new year with dear friends. I’m playing with the notion of watching the plunge.

Wishing each of you a fun New Year’s Eve and a awesome 2019!


Don’t Be a Holiday Crime Target

Sent out by the Lynnwood Police Department.

Don’t Be a Holiday Crime Target

LPD Safety Message

Don’t Be a Holiday Crime Target

LYNNWOOD, WA (November 19, 2018) – The busy holiday season is here. When you are shopping for those precious gifts, take the following precautions to protect yourself from becoming a victim:

Shopping from home:

Do not have items shipped to your home if no one will be there to receive them. Packages are too easily stolen from front porches.

Vehicle Prowl Prevention:

Vehicle prowls are the theft of property from a motor vehicle. Most are crimes of opportunity such as through unlocked doors and open windows. Also, vehicles can sustain expensive damage – especially to their windows, doors and locks when there is forcible entry.

Large parking locations, such as shopping centers, are prime targets for a prowler since multiple vehicles can be hit in a short time span. To avoid being a car prowl target:

Remember the 3 S’s:

Scan: Scan the contents of your vehicle. Are there items visible that would be of interest to a criminal?

Stow: Discreetly stow everything out of sight; you don’t want someone to SEE YOU placing something in your trunk. Do NOT use a blanket or coat to cover valuables, this piques the interest of a prowler.

Secure: Close windows and lock your vehicle.

  • Use a garage, secure location, or Valet service whenever possible.
  • Park in well-lit areas where your car can be seen.
  • Avoid isolated areas. Park near locations frequently used by pedestrians.
  • Secure the trunk, hatches, bed-mounted tool boxes, and canopies.
  • If you have a removable car stereo, remove it.
  • Install anti-theft devices.
  • Don’t leave packages, bags of any kind visible on the seats or floor of your car.
  • If you take packages to your car trunk and want to go back to the mall, move your car or take your items home!
  • If you hear something suspicious (shattering glass) or see someone looking into vehicles, call 911.

Parking lot/ Personal Safety:

  • Consider using the mall’s Valet parking service if it offers one.
  • Make a note of your parking spot so that you don’t have to wander around the parking lot after shopping.
  • Have your keys in your hand before leaving the mall and walk purposely to your car.
  • Make sure nobody is in the car before entering, and lock the doors immediately when you get inside.
  • If you are leaving a mall alone at night, you may request a security escort to your car.
  • At an Automated Teller Machine (ATM), choose one that is located inside a mall, grocery store, or well-lighted location. Withdraw only the amount of cash you need. Shield the ATM keypad from anyone who is standing near you so they cannot view your transaction or obtain your PIN. Do not throw your ATM receipt away.
  • Don’t display large sums of cash in public. Be discreet about money or other valuables you are carrying.
  • Be alert in public restrooms. If anything seems amiss or if a group of people is loitering in the area, leave quickly and find another facility.
  • Stay alert in crowds to protect your valuables. A thief can use the cover of the crowd to make a quick getaway after stealing your wallet or shopping bag.
  • Take only the credit cards you NEED for shopping, leave the rest at home.
  • Women, carry your purses close to your body and separate your cash from your credit cards.
  • Men, consider carrying your wallet in a front pocket and/or adding a large rubber band around it so if a thief tries to swipe it, it will get caught on the pocket.
  • Don’t keep your keys in your purse. If your purse is stolen, then the thief will have your address and keys to your home. Keep your keys in your pocket without an ID.

Special Winter Weather Warning:

  • During the winter months, many people warm up their cars in the morning and then leave them unattended. Don’t do this! Not only is it against the law, but a running car is also an invitation to a car thief.

The Beauty Of Beginnings

I’ve long been a member of Lynnwood’s Trinity Lutheran Church. The past year and a half or so, we’ve been transitioning pastors. Never the easiest process. But we’re on the other side of that journey. 

Today we welcome Pastor Hector Garcifas-Toledo. Pastor Hector represents, to me, the evolution of my little suburb. First, we’re not very little anymore. And our ethic make up has changed radically since I was a kid. 

Growing up, Lynnwood was very white, middle class. My neighborhood is quite multiethnic now. We have myriad languages nearby. The microcosm of our planet, reflected here, delights me deeply. 

Pastor Hector has lived this microcosm. Born in Mexico, having lived in Taiwan, and serving as a pastor throughout the U.S., he understands diversity at the deepest levels. He IS diversity. 

I’m quite excited for him to join us, and for my congregation to move forward into the  next stage of our journey. The world is changing. My city has changed, and is changing. We’re ready to embrace that, finding ways to serve our neighbors. It’s quite wonderful, indeed. 

So, welcome to our neighbor Pastor Hector! I’m excited to see what our journey together brings.