Easter Saturday In Edmonds

We managed to squeeze a walk in my favorite seaside town yesterday: Edmonds. Though our day was full with prep for Easter, an evening get-togethere with dear friends, and getting the weekend’s errands done as we sacrifice Sunday’s productivity for fun and family. Sure, we squeezed some productivity into the walk, stopping for a few necessities along the way.

I love walking, both as a means of exercise and as transportation. I’ll be writing more about this.

After church, playing some brass church music, I’ll be heading to Bellingham to spend time with family.

What ate you doing this Easter Sunday?

The Edmonds Top Pot Opens! Well, Sorta

Ah, the Edmonds Top Pot donuts finally opened! It’ll be a lovely addition to the changing dynamic along the ferry lane.

I expect the good folks at Waterfront coffee, nor the proprietors of the little coffee shop and hot dog stand adjacent to the ferry holding lane will be fine.

Anyway, the shop isn’t quite finished. The upstairs seating area isn’t accessible, nor are all the pieces of the kitchen done (donuts were being unloaded from a van, so I don’t think the kitchen is operational yet). The soft serve ice cream machine isn’t finished yet, and the stairway doesn’t have handrails. But what’s there is nice. Well lit, with the books in the loft a northwest genteel touch. I’m looking forward to having the place done.

The sign on the door said it was open today and tomorrow until 2:00. Not sure about the week. But we have a little action after the years of waiting!

Welcome to the neighborhood Top Pot!

The train’s horn carries

The train’s horn carries

Upon the suburban calm

Miles from the shore

I often hear the train’s whistle miles away from the Edmonds shore. A few miles, up the hill, from Puget Sound. It actually delights me. Well, at times the intense quiet unnerves me. At my core, I’m an urbanite. 

Quite the day, weather-wise here in Edmonds & Lynnwood

Quite a combination of weather today near the Salish Sea.

I woke to a lovely morning snowfall.

By the time we needed to head to church, the snow was mostly gone. We had a few flurries through the late morning and afternoon, with nothing sticking.

My son’s youth group went to an Everett Silvertips game in the late afternoon. The sun was shining brightly, though quite cold. Oh, and a brisk, strong wind. So we went and walked along the Edmonds Waterfront; one of our favorite things. According to the weather station at the marina, it was 34 degrees with windchill dragging things down to 27. Brrrr!

Looking north from Brackett’s Landing, Mount Baker was glorious. I didn’t bring a decent camera with me, so you get these taken with my phone. Not too bad, but nowhere near capturing it’s awesomeness.

The wind was pretty relentless. Sea water spraying and wind howling through the boats’ rigging in the marina.

A very lovely afternoon along Puget Sound. Lovely….and cold. But we weren’t alone. Many good folks dared the frigidity to enjoy the sun. Even some windsurfers with their gear on the beach. Pretty sure hoping for a break in the strong winds (there was a small craft advisory for the Sound).

How was your Sunday? Hope it was grand.

Some thoughts on the Top Pot donuts getting built in Edmonds

This shop, just across the street from the ferry lanes. It’ll be a nice addition down there.

I like the stairs, and the upper loft they’re building.

Some good work was getting done today. Hope it means we’ll be done soon.

I’m not certain what the root issue has been for the delay. I expect it’s a permitting issue. Hopefully they can get this resolved quickly/finally. Vacant stores are a financial drain.

Celebrate the New Year, Edmonds Style

I was asked earlier today for a list of “what’s going on” New Year’s Eve in Edmonds. I hadn’t put much thought as I’m planning on spending the evening with friends (I’ll be in the Edmonds Bowl, just so you know), but thought I’d dig through my memories and the web and pull together a quick list.

First, I want to point out that Kathy Passage over at My Edmonds News has list of holiday events and such in her most recent article. She’s pretty cool: go check her out!

Anyway, I’ve pulled out a list of specifically New Year’s Eve stuff, focusing on the “ringing in 2018” (aka: out after midnight) stuff.

New Year’s Eve:
Looking for something outside of Edmonds? Well, here are a few other options for you.
Oh, and there’s New Year’s Day:
Polar Plunge! https://www.facebook.com/events/154410931849531/. This event is a long-standing tradition in our community. It took some work, but we managed to keep the event for disappearing. If you’re a fan of freezing your butt off, come join the party! I doubt that you’ll lose any butt-mass, so it’s not a recommended way to start your weight-loss resolution, but, whatever.
If you know of something I missed, please drop it in the comments and I’ll update the post. No offense shall be taken! Actually, there’ll be much rejoicing (yay.).
Wishing each of you a wondrous New Year’s Celebration and productively joyous 2018!

The Holidays Approacheth

I find it sobering to realize one week from today is Thanksgiving. Which, for me, is when the “Holiday Season” begins.

I don’t opt to participate in Black Friday madness. I love REI’s Opt Outside campaign. Definitely the preferable choice. Either that, or, if the weather outside is frightful, then I’ll enjoy a book, movie, or a cafe.

For my family, the Tree Lighting in Edmonds kicks off the holiday season. Always the Saturday after Thanksgiving, it’s simply a charming, local family fun event. We’ve been going since my son was an infant. Santa arrives on a vintage fire-truck and lights the Christmas Tree in the middle of Centennial Plaza. Starting at 3:30 pm, hot cocoa will be served. The real fun starts at 4:00.


Santa will be available for photos at the tree lighting. And, around here, another standard “thing to do” is Santa photos at Alderwood Mall. It looks like they’ve already started. But, starting next week, expect lines. The closer to Christmas, the longer the line.

Bothell has a fun “Santa’s Workshop” at Country Village.

Santa and his fire truck will make their way to Mountlake Terrace on Friday, December 1st.

Just a few Edmonds/Lynnwood/Mountlake Terrace holiday activities to get your Noel on.

Here Are Some Halloween Events for Edmonds, Lynnwood and Mountlake Terrace Folks

Halloween is a week from tomorrow! Are you looking for some fun for your goblins and ghouls? Well, below are a few Edmonds, Lynnwood and Mountlake Terrace happenings to celebrate Halloween. Come bring your costumed Trick-or-Treater out for the fun!

30th – Pre-Halloween, I guess

31st – Halloween!


Mill Creek:


“An evening walk in Edmonds, WA”

I’ve been focusing on getting more exercise lately. Once my focused attracting beautiful women. Now, as I’m in my 50s, I’m more focused on preventing diabetes, and other ailments. Diabetes, in particular, scares me. I’ve seen enough people, though, who have balance issues, strength, and all that. Thus I know there are far more benefits than alleviating my fears. 

So, I try to get out more. So many benefits. I need to embrace that.

A Few Photos From My Evening Walk

Last night I was able to head down to one of my favorite spots, period, the Edmonds waterfront. Spectacular sunset, with a lot of adoring, camera toting fans.  Noticed a bit of construction going on along Sunset Ave. Several more of the older homes there were torn down, including the foundation. Significant rebuilds.

On an odd side note, saw a coyote on Olympic View Drive in the middle of Perrinville Woods. I found that quite exciting.

Anyway, click on the image below to be taken to my Flickr album.


Along the Edmonds Waterfront 8-29-17