Oh How Technology Delights Me

Starting at the first of the year, I’ve been working for a construction company. A lot of what I offer is technological competence. Now my team needs someone with AutoCAD knowledge. Well, back in the early/mid-90s, I studied CAD, back when I was thinking about becoming an engineer.

So, to say my skills are rusty is a bit of an understatement. We studied AutoCAD for DOS! Now, DOS was awesome and all, but that really was an unfathomably long time ago.

My local education institution, Edmonds Community College, offers a AutoCAD class as part of their Construction Management program. And as I need to ramp up my skills quickly, here I find myself, taking another evening class.

I’m having a ton of fun, though. I mean, I’m sitting in front of a computer making it do cool things. Speaks highly to my tech geek side.

It is a quirky thing, that’s for sure. Many operating elements are counter-intuitive if you’re solely used to the Microsoft-land. A bit less so if you’ve used Photoshop and Adobe products, or Quark (remember that one?). As Master Yoda would say, I need to unlearn what I’ve learned.

Anyway, I’m having a lot of fun learning new stuff. A key element of the geek heart, as I describe it.