Another Reorganization At Microsoft

As a former Microsoftie with many friends still there in Redmond, I follow these news stories with intent.

We’ve had a few stories hit the wire the past couple of days:

Some thoughts:

  • I can’t imagine that dramatic of a re-org will happen without layoffs.
  • With that, it’s hard to see through the fog in the crystal ball on this one, at least as far as layoffs go. I’ve seen Microsoft layoff plenty of people, who then get hired on in other business groups over time. How many of those folks will actually collect unemployment (if any) is hard to gauge.
  • It’s nice to see what was called “services” when I worked there getting serious attention.

So, I hope that the drama of this announcement creates little-to-no stress for you, dear reader.

I just saw Wonder Woman this evening! Spoiler free, don’t worry

Wonder Woman Poster

After a burst of luck, and some fairly mad scrambling, we were able to get down to Seattle’s Cinerama for a preview of Wonder Woman.

I’ve been excited for this one for months. And, let me say, it’s well-crafted. Full disclosure: I’m generally a super-positive guy and tend not to hate anything. Just variations of enjoyment. Now there are some bad films out there…but, back on point: Wonder Woman is not one of them!

Cinematically, it’s very much in the same vein as we’ve seen in other Zack Snyder films. (I don’t want diminish Patty Jenkins‘ work on this film. I’m sure if I knew her work better, I’d recognize her hand in this as well.) I love their use of color, and Zack and Co used many creative angles and clever edits to add dramatic flair. For me, that was wonderful. And, from what I’ve been reading, everyone else feels the same.


Being able to see it in Paul Allen’s cinematic digital playground, Cinerama, was an additional joy. I’ve been there many, many times over the years. It was where I saw Star Wars in it’s first run. Back then, it was only playing at the Cinerama. Making the trek in from Lynnwood was an effort, though different than nowadays. No issues, really, with parking or traffic back in the 70s. Mostly downtown was seedy and worn, and generally not considered to be the best place for children. Anyway, my first viewing of Star Wars was a transformative moment in my life. Seeing the Star Destroyer bear down on the Tantive IV, and the feels that flowed through me, changed me forever. They forever dominated my way. So, this theater has a warm spot in my hear. I adore the Cinerama!

There was a time that it’s future was far from certain. I’m glad Mr. Allen made something fantastic and unique. If I were a billionaire, I think I’d be more in Paul’s vein than Bill Gates. Nothing against Mr. Gates, but my interests are broad and wide. More akin to Paul’s.

So, the important part: go see this movie! I give it two thumbs up!

Oh How Technology Delights Me

Starting at the first of the year, I’ve been working for a construction company. A lot of what I offer is technological competence. Now my team needs someone with AutoCAD knowledge. Well, back in the early/mid-90s, I studied CAD, back when I was thinking about becoming an engineer.

So, to say my skills are rusty is a bit of an understatement. We studied AutoCAD for DOS! Now, DOS was awesome and all, but that really was an unfathomably long time ago.

My local education institution, Edmonds Community College, offers a AutoCAD class as part of their Construction Management program. And as I need to ramp up my skills quickly, here I find myself, taking another evening class.

I’m having a ton of fun, though. I mean, I’m sitting in front of a computer making it do cool things. Speaks highly to my tech geek side.

It is a quirky thing, that’s for sure. Many operating elements are counter-intuitive if you’re solely used to the Microsoft-land. A bit less so if you’ve used Photoshop and Adobe products, or Quark (remember that one?). As Master Yoda would say, I need to unlearn what I’ve learned.

Anyway, I’m having a lot of fun learning new stuff. A key element of the geek heart, as I describe it.