An Evening With Aaron Strumpel At Trinity Lutheran

I’ve had the opportunity to spend time with Aaron before, so it was really a delight to see him perform again. The tranquility his music elicits calms me, settling my brain into a contemplative place, connecting me with the divine. Below is one of the pieces performed this evening. When you have the chance to hear him, take it.

Performing with Aaron was Keith Thomas, with ethereal computer assisted cello-work. This evening, he utilized looping much like one of my favorite contemporary artists: Zoe Keating With only the briefest time for web searching, I found this video featuring his work with the ensemble Primitivity. Though with a similar modernist quality, it lacks the looping effects. Keith currently lives in Seattle, and hopefully we’ll get him a web presence set up. He has another performance in early December. More details are forthcoming.


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