Seafair weekend

Ah, the big weekend! Seafair! This is a pretty big deal in the Seattle region, for the unfamiliar. Brings back loads of memories for me. Cutting out hydro shaped boats to be towed behind bicycles. Many musical memories of marching in Seafair parades. The Seattle Center vibrant and alive, more so than the average summer’s day. And the roar of hydros, both from Lake Washington and from the tv. With the Blue Angels flying overhead.  Oh, and the beloved antics of the Seafair Pirates!

66 years of this stuff. What great fun the organizers bring to the region. I’m thankful both for the memories, both serious and silly, and for the building of community. The parade in particular brings together and showcases the region’s rich diversity. Performers of all stripes come forth. It’s amazing, really, to sit still and have our multicultural vibrancy brought to you. Paraeded before you, so to speak.

So this morning I offer up my morning tea to the ever diligent and hard-working organizers of Seattle’s Seafair. Thanks for this perfect celebration of who we are as a region.

Positive dreams

I seek a voice of positivity. With that, I want those around me to feel confidence. Not a mindless confidence that misses real limits and sets up for failure. Nor the sociopathic version, which doesn’t care about the impacts on the world or communities which surround us. Rather, a feeling of ability; knowing, deeply, we can make a positive impact. This mindset builds upon love.

This voice presents challenges, especially in today’s culture. The world highly focuses on our divisions, ignoring our commonalities. Speaking with a positive voice, elaborating upon our potentials as a diverse people generates derision. That saddens me. We value love, and denigrate it. This disconnect causes us much pain. And me a great deal of frustration.

Fret not, though, if you share this vision: I shall continue. Continuing with a vision of different people, with different backgrounds working together. Elements of Doctor King’s Dream. For I have the same dream. And the more I learn and grow, the deeper it becomes. Built upon this vision of love, my central feeling: hope. Hope for a positive future; people working together. And I delight in this.

A great part of #Seattle: starting my mornings with @KEXP and @LoserBoy





I’ve been starting my mornings with KEXP‘s John Richards for years. His blend of music challenges me and connects to my musical tastes deeply. I love exploring the new, but not ignoring the past. There are days that his playlists connect with the music I first fell in love with as a teen. And then he’ll connect with a series of great new artists. Oh, and they do a marvelous job keeping connected with Seattle’s vibrant music scene, bringing great local arts key exposure (ever heard of some guy named Macklemore?).

I can’t imagine not having these folks part of my life. I’m richer.

Some #RealEstate Thoughts on the #CFPB

We in the real estate business have been hearing TONS about the Consumer Finance Protection Bureau (CFPB) lately. The biggest piece for us has been the changes in the required disclosure documents that will be launching “soon”. Mainly, the required documentation has been cleaned up/made less confusing (and I think they’ve done a reasonably good job at that part). (More details in the video below.) However, I do have some concerns.

As a fan of federalism, I am not too keen on this organization being (relatively?) clear of Congressional oversight. I highly value the mission and role of the org, but also deeply value governmental transparency and accountability. I would like to see more of that with the CFPB, even considering the partisan and often grandstanding nature of Congress. But that’s another issue.

Resisting Infirmity

Yesterday, while out on a walk, I saw an older man struggling with a walker. A young woman (my assumption; his daughter) worked hard to help him into her car. Seeing such drives me; resist infirmity with vigor!

Currently, my fitness regimen is a blend of taekwondo, walking, cycling and weights. I want to add kayaking and cross-country skiing. Oh, and hiking, which can tie to walking. This region has such lovely places to do all these, it would be sad not to.

I’m seeking to combine strength, flexibility and balance. These are the critical elements to prevent infirmity. I envision myself as an old man, robust and healthy, surrounded by friends and family. A worthy goal, methinks.

An #Edmonds Kind Of Fourth Of July Eve

Today we wandered a bit. Downtown Edmonds’ “Where’s Waldo” campaign is going strong. As we set out our chairs for the parade, I saw my old favorite gelato place, Canario. It’s now on the Fifth Avenue side of Old Milltown. I was worried they’d gone under, so was delighted to see the new space. That’s where we first found Waldo. Then the Edmonds Bookshop called too loudly to ignore. Oh, the power books have over my psyche! I’m looking forward to Oliver Sacks’ latest. And we found Waldo there as well. Found him in several other Edmonds shops, too. Bonus: talked with old friends, bought a few books and sundry things. A lovely day.