Another Blunt Conversation About Budgets

Dave Earling, Mayor of Edmonds, wrote a good guest post over at My Edmonds News. It’s good for governmental leaders to talk, frankly, about government services and what they cost. It’s a start of a series. Other leaders will write about their departments work and what it costs to fund it. Should be a good series to help understand how small government works.

From The Mayor’s Desk: Another blunt conversation.


Easter weekend rarely comes with such copious amounts of sun. Spent a fair amount of time outdoors, as folks from west of the cascades are want to do.


Easter itself had us driving to Bellingham. Didn’t get to hit Tony’s Coffee or Village Books. Still a good trip, though traffic bogged down though Everett to Marysville. Well, pretty much up into Arlington. Holiday weekends feature that, though.

Hope everyone had a safe journey through the gorgeous weekend.


