Process and Efficiency

Bart process is not a dirty word

“Process”, generally construed as a negative, synonymous with bureaucratic, cumbersome and unwieldy, gets an undeserved bad rap. There’s  power in process. When the steps bring in various minds and encourage collaboration. Then its the key element of creating a truly synergistic environment. In an environment based on fear, process’ function is minimizing risk (versus managing risk). When process is about fear and power, it becomes the soul-sucking beast of its reputation.

Process isn’t a dirty word. The surrounding motivations and culture create the challenge. So, manage fear, and keep it from controlling your life.

Critical Communication

A sad moment this morning when one of our cooperating agents notified us about problems. Basic ones, really: some of the required signatories on the contract were hard to reach. The challenge, though, was this  offer was for a HUD owned home, with pretty rigid deadlines. However, they’re not ironclad. But waiting until a day or two past the due date to notify that there are problems isn’t effective. Sadly for the buyers on this one, HUD cancelled the contract. They can rebid, and have a decent chance of getting it with the same bid, but the bidding process will be opened to everyone again. Thus, they do have a real chance of losing out to someone else.

It’s important to note that, given lead-time, a time extension could have been granted. So, the lesson to take-away: communicate early, especially if there are problems. Please…