Life in the Shadow

A key moment of political awareness for me came during my mid-teens. I don’t remember the full context, but I realized that I knew great details about the candidates for Seattle’s mayor, but nothing about mine (Lynnwood’s). I didn’t even  know WHO Lynnwood’s mayor was. That made me aware of the dominance of Seattle in this region. Not simply political, but media-wise and culturally.

For example, media-wise, besides Seattle’s several tv stations (this was the 80s), Spokane had a few, and I believe Yakima had one or two, Bellingham had KVOS, and Tacoma had a PBS station on VHF. Print news had greater presence, but was distributed much the same.

This motivated me to learn more about this region, to explore and understand with greater detail the richer culture. That’s become much easier with the advent of the internet and world wide web. I’m nowhere near where I wish to be, and plan to continue with my explorations.