Friends, a quick note about pedestrians and crosswalks

So, this afternoon I went for the briefest of walks in Marysville. And, not once, not twice, but three times drivers nearly ran me down in the crosswalk.

Dear friends, please let me remind you that pedestrians in the cross walk have the right of way.
Check out RCW 46.61.235:

“The operator of an approaching vehicle shall stop and remain stopped to allow a pedestrian or bicycle to cross the roadway within an unmarked or marked crosswalk”

Seriously, I just want to run my errands and not be put in the ER.

Thanks for your attention to this matter.

2 thoughts on “Friends, a quick note about pedestrians and crosswalks”

  1. Amen! As someone who walks as part of her commute in different cities (mainly Lynnwood proper, outside Lynnwood city limits, and Seattle), and for enjoyment in nice weather, I get SO sick of dodging cars! Even if I’m in the crosswalk before a car gets there, I still often find myself dodging the car! What really kills me is when I have an actual light allowing me to cross, and the drivers STILL don’t want to stop for me!

    As my mom says, it would take more time out of your day if you had to stop because you hit me (You know, filling out police reports, and whatnot; not to mention paying to fix the dent my body put in your car) than it would take for you to let me cross the street.

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