Ah, the clouds are back!

Well, the clouds have rolled back in to the greater Puget Sound region. With them come less bitter temperatures. I appreciate that. The past week or so, with temperatures down in the 20s, has been deeply uncomfortable. Yes, I am aware that a good deal of the country would love to WARM UP to our lows. And I am content.

During the summer, there are times that I am uncomfortably warm while the rest of the country broils significantly hotter. Yes, I’m fine with my discomfort in the 80s while the rest of the country broils in the hundreds.

Seattlites have been labeled weather-wimps by most of my friends who live in other regions. Whether the discomforts above, or our disdain (terror?) of snow, we have a reputation. Personally, I’m fine with that. It’s delightful to live in a pleasant climate, rather than where simply surviving brutality is the goal.

I welcome the return of the clouds, and gentler weather. It’s not for everyone, but for me it’s home.